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SpinTest Method (String, Int32, Int32, DictionaryInt32, Double, DictionaryTupleInt32, Int32, Double, FSharpListTupleInt32, Double, Double, Int32, FSharpOptionBoolean, FSharpOptionFSharpListTupleFSharpFuncQubit, Unit, Double)
Executes a set of simulation runs for a spin Hamiltonian.

Namespace: Microsoft.Research.Liquid
Assembly: Liquid1 (in Liquid1.dll) Version: (
static member Test : 
        tag : string * 
        repeats : int * 
        trotter : int * 
        hs : Dictionary<int, float> * 
        Js : Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, float> * 
        gammalambda : FSharpList<Tuple<int, float, float>> * 
        res : int * 
        runonce : FSharpOption<bool> * 
        decohereModel : FSharpOption<FSharpList<Tuple<FSharpFunc<Qubit, Unit>, float>>> -> unit 


Type: SystemString
The output label for logging.
Type: SystemInt32
The number of simulations to run.
Type: SystemInt32
The Trotter number to use.
Type: System.Collections.GenericDictionaryInt32, Double
A Dictionary that maps a qubit id to that qubit's bias strength (Z term coefficient).
Type: System.Collections.GenericDictionaryTupleInt32, Int32, Double
A Dictionary that maps a pair of qubit id's to the pair's coupling strength (ZZ coefficient).
Type: Microsoft.FSharp.CollectionsFSharpListTupleInt32, Double, Double
List of (time,gamma,lambda) tuples that define the annealing schedule. Each entry in the list is a tuple whose first entry is a time step and whose second entry is an array of annealing values. Annealing values for time steps in between entries are computed by linearly interpolating between those for the previous and next entries. The list must be in ascneding order by time step.
Type: SystemInt32
The resolution of the simulation, in time steps. Larger values may increase speed but will reduce the granularity of output. Note that this must evenly divide the final time in the annealing schedule.
Type: Microsoft.FSharp.CoreFSharpOptionBoolean
An option to only run the simulation once and perform repeated 'virtual measurements'. The default is false, which means to run the simulation and measure each time.
Type: Microsoft.FSharp.CoreFSharpOptionFSharpListTupleFSharpFuncQubit, Unit, Double
An optional decoherence model to use for this simulation. See Hamiltonian.decohereModel for more information. The default is no decoherence.
See Also