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SpinRun Method
Runs the simulation. This is a highly optimized implementation.

Namespace: Microsoft.Research.Liquid
Assembly: Liquid1 (in Liquid1.dll) Version: (
member Run : 
        dt : int * 
        schedule : FSharpList<Tuple<int, float[]>> * 
        gp : FSharpOption<GrowPars> -> int 


Type: SystemInt32
The number of timesteps to run.
Type: Microsoft.FSharp.CollectionsFSharpListTupleInt32, Double
The annealing schedule to use. Each entry in the list is a tuple whose first entry is a time step and whose second entry is an array of annealing values. Annealing values for time steps in between entries are computed by linearly interpolating between those for the previous and next entries. The list must be in ascneding order by time step.
Type: Microsoft.FSharp.CoreFSharpOptionGrowPars
Optional grow parameters for the resulting circuit. The default is GrowGates with maxWires of 11. See GrowPars for more details.

Return Value

Type: Int32
The number of decoherence events which occured during the step. Note that this will be zero unless a decoherence model has been set on this instance.
See Also